Aragon Marks Mode in the fair CPD Dusseldorf

The German market continues being a challenge for the Spanish fashionable companies that are conquering foreign markets. The German brands are very strong, very well positioned and capable of offering on his market the very favorable conditions of collaboration for the trade.

Nevertheless the Spanish design attracts the German public with the suggestive, bold, modern and exquisite collections.

In there is edition of the fair CPD two Aragonese brands: Old Taylor and Yhocos will be announced in Dusseldorf to the professionals of the world of the mode of Germany.

Download the file of the new:

  aragon_marca_moda_cpd.pdf (46.8 KiB, 981 descargas)

Aragón Marca Moda in Pret-a-Porte of Paris

The Aragonese industry of the mode in his process of internalización, undertaken years ago, bets in this season for the French market. Five lady’s Aragonese brands will be present in the fair Pret-a-Porte of Paris. Aragon Marks Mode is a concept that understands all the brands of the region. It has been created to give identity to the exporting group in the grouped actions stimulated and managed by the Federation of Textile Industries and of the Confection of Aragon. In this action Aragon Marks Mode it will be represented by the following top brands in his segment that already they are exporting successfully and opening new markets:

To read mas in the PDF:

  Pret-a-Porte_nota_de_prensa.pdf (105.1 KiB, 988 descargas)

Pitti Bimbo, the fair of major prestige in the world of the infantile mode receives to the Aragonese brands

It is not easy to enter the fair Pitti Bimbo. The fair reserves the right of admission and carries out an exhibitors’ very strict selection.
Nevertheless, the brands of Aragon have obtained the approval of the fair that well is deserved. In this Pitti Bimbo’s edition that will be inaugurated on June 24 they will present 2 Aragonese brands: Mebi and Losan.

Losan takes several seasons being an exhibitor in the fair and this year is going to celebrate in Florence his 25 anniversary. Mebi will appear for the first time to announce the international visitors his articles for baby of ecological fabrics.

” The fair Pitti Bimbo is a fair of image – Bartolomé Arranz explains. The infantile company that wants to have recognition on the international market has to be there. At the same time it is the fair of the most important child in the world from the commercial point of view since the buyers of Europa visit, The United States and Canada, The Arab Emirates, Asia, etc. ”

Federation of Textile Industries and of the Confection of Aragon together with Exterior Aragon has thrown the project of location of agents and distributors previous to the fair. There have been contacted companies of Germany, Switzerland, The Arab Emirates, Russia and Poland.

The foreign professionals of the mode have showed the interest to know the present brands in the fair and to visit the parallel show – room, where other Aragonese brands will be located: Carmen Taberner, Marieta and Textile Kitchen garden that they will not be exhibitors in Pitti Bimbo.

  Nota-de-prensa-Pitti_Bimbo_junio_2010.pdf (100.1 KiB, 1,028 descargas)

Aragon Marks Mode in Brussels

Global Saragossa organized, at the beginning of June, an act of promotion of the City in Brussels, in which ARAGON MARKS MODE took part contributing in addition a symbolic product: a suit to dress the famous Manneken Pis designed and made in Aragon. The design of the suit refers to Francisco’s figure of Goya. His designer, the chairwoman of the Association of the Designers of Aragon, Sarai Camejo explains that like that one has managed to create an union between the historical past of the city as a city of culture and of the art with his current positioning in the infrastructure of the industry of the mode.

The suit was made by Paula Gonzalez in collaboration with the platform of AragónSubcontracting’s workshops.

The delivery of the suit in the Town hall of Brussels and his presentation to the public inaugurated the series of events of promotion of Saragossa in Belgium.

As soon as the Manneken Pis has illuminated the suit, this one is going to be exposed in the Museum of the Suit of the Manneken Pis.

Besides the official acts ARAGON MARKS MODE there were announced in Brussels the agents and distributors of the mode in Belgium. The Aragonese brands were present in a show – room in Brussels organized in collaboration with the Chamber of Trade of Spain in Belgium and Luxembourg. The commercial action demonstrated a great interest for the Spanish mode in Belgium. The present brands in the show – room: Yhocos, Polovi, Tapizz, Sunlights, Sodrap, Carmen Taberner y Carmenchu have established commercial contacts to be able to develop his network of distribution in Belgium.

Taking advantage of the favorable conjuncture of the Belgian market for the Spanish mode ARAGON MARKS MODE has thrown a commercial platform with the Chamber of Trade in Belgium to locate the distribution channels for all the brands that want to interfere on the Belgian market.

The General Secretary of FITCA, Bartolomé Arranz has signed an agreement of collaboration with his hómologo of the Chamber, Enrique Puertolas where there are exposed the aims of the Aragonese brands in Belgium and the form of work that allows to realize them.

  Aragon-Marca-Moda-enBruselas.pdf (316.0 KiB, 1,082 descargas)

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