Operative program of Territorial Cooperation Spain-Francia-Andorra 2007-2013.

The project of creation of the Center of Excellence of the Mode (CEM) is born with the union of five organizations and institutions (two Spanish women and three Frenches), of recognized prestige in his respective zones, with a common aim: to increase the competitiveness and internationalization of the companies.

The creation of the CEM, since platform of cooperation will allow to the companies of the zones inherent in the project (regions tranfronterizas Spain – France) start and to support relations in different levels: commercial, productive, innovative, formative, environmental, etc. Establishing a common structure between the partners participants in the project, which will allow to answer to the demands that should raise the companies of the sector textilconfección.


  • Promotion of the productive and commercial relations, by means of exchanges between companies.
  • Plans of internationalization it combines.
  • Experimentation of new products.
  • New lines of product based on recycled materials.
  • Specialized formation.
  • Labour exchange (French zones and Spanish women implied)
  • Promotion of the use of the electronic business.
  • Synergies of complementarity. Creation of clusters of common interest.
  • Etc.

The companies will have the CEM to his scope across the service RTT (Textile Trans-Pyrenean Network) offered by means of Internet. Once registered they will be able to accede to the contents of the platform, where besides different services they will be able to accede to specialized information documentary confirmed ybase that will allow to orientate to the companies in all the areas object of the project.


  cem-fitca.pdf (106.6 KiB, 844 descargas)

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